Contround Eights Square Dance Club 

Contround eights club badge



Eric's Musings 

of Square Dance

Our Club

What We Dance

What We Wear



Other Formations

Useful links

The Legal Bits

Problems, Comments

Email the Caller


Hi There ! and welcome  Welcome

    Recruiting now come and join us     See Erics's Musings !! from the link on the left     Recruiting now come and join us

Welcome to the  Contround Eights Square Dance Club and through me,  Eric Webb, the club caller, Welcome to the  World of Modern Square Dancing. 

Did you www us or did you arrive by another link? Not that its important. What is important is that You Are Here.  We'll assume that you wanted to find out more about dance4fun so this site is constructed with this in mind and along the way we've added a little about us.

Please read on, then return and click on to the area you want to know more about. Secretly we hope you'll be so enthralled by the first link you'll look at them all.

One thing to remember is that Square Dancing is often used as a general term for the whole activity which includes Contra Dancing, Round Dancing and in some countries, Clogging and Line Dancing. So when you read text that just says Square Dancing, read as the whole activity.

The expression "square" is often used to mean "out of touch" or "old fashioned"  but there is nothing "square" about modern American Square Dancing.  The "square" refers to the formation dancers stand in but not the formations of the "Come Dancing", highly professional routines. Other formations which compliment squares are lines (Contra) and circles (Rounds and Mixers). If you've been to a Barn Dance, yes, the formations are the same, What We Dance explains more. What we don't do is leap and lunge about as dancers do in popular films. It has been said that Square Dancing is not a precise science, it's an art form. Thankfully, it's not so 'arty' that you can't understand it! 

I know you're just itching to see what we have to offer. We have a great range of  music we dance to,  we've included some  history  (Dancing and our Club), an explanation about what we dance and what we wear,  a view of some of the flyers we've used, and some of the benefits of Square Dancing. I say some because I bet  I'll think of some more. I've tried to keep it light-hearted and hope there's something to make you smile. 

Square Dancing can be addictive.

Go on Smile.  You might as well because there's no re-hab programme.   

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last updated - 8th September 2019